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Signing Up a Dependent

Account access for patients 18 and younger

Unlock the convenience of managing your family's healthcare information with myCare. Our user-friendly patient portal ensures that all vital data is securely stored in one centralized location.

How do I access my child’s (dependent’s) account?

First, create a myCare account for them. For instructions on how to do this, see the FAQ page. Then, fill out this proxy consent form to request access. If your dependent is 12-17 years of age, they will need to hand sign the consent form for this request to be processed.

Can a minor have their own account?

If a 12-17 year old dependent would like their own individual account, they can do so by filling out this enrollment form. This is based on Minnesota Statute 144.343, which allows minors to independently consent to the evaluation and treatment of pregnancy, STDs and substance abuse. A hand-written signature is required for this request to be processed.

What if I have technical problems with the portal?

Our team is happy to help. Contact our technical support team or view our common FAQs.