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Kathryn Thompson,MD

Primary Service
  • Interventional Pain Management

Additional Services
  • Anesthesiology
Areas of Interest Interventional Pain Medicine – neuromodulation, injection therapy, palliative/management of cancer related pain
  • Biology and Peace Studies College of Saint Benedict/St. John's University, St. Joseph, MN
Medical School
  • Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN
  • Anesthesiology Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
  • Pain Medicine Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Board certifications
Anesthesia, American Board of Anesthesiology
Pain Management, American Board of Anesthesiology 

Philosophy of care
"Each patient is unique in their expectations and requirements. My goal is to help each patient better understand what is causing their current symptoms, and formulate a multi-modal approach to treating the pain. I strive to identify a variety of options that can work together to improve their quality of life and functioning on a daily basis."

Why Dr. Thompson went into medicine 
"Medicine allows me to combine my love of science and physiology with my desire to serve others by improving their health and quality of life."

Favorite advice to give to patients 
"Try to set small goals in an effort to celebrate improvements over time, rather than focus only on the end result."

Moorhead, Minnesota 

Most of her time outside of work is spent with her husband and three young children. They enjoy all outdoor activities, including exploring the woods and rivers around Duluth and the beaches of Lake Superior. When Dr. Thompson has a free moment, she enjoys swimming, running, biking, being with friends, and playing strategy board games.