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Jasmine Pape,PT,DPT

Primary Service
  • Physical Therapy

Areas of Interest

Pregnancy and postpartum, cervical, lumbar


APTA Certificate of Achievement in Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Therapy (CAPP-OB)

Undergraduate: University of North Dakota
Graduate: University of North Dakota

Philosophy of care
“I firmly believe in patient empowerment.”

Why Jasmine went into therapy
“I wanted to help others stay active and/or recover from injuries in order to fully participate in their life and activities they love, whatever they may be.”

Favorite advice to give patients
“Stay active doing whatever activities you love to do.”

Washburn, ND

Volleyball, running, hiking, kayaking and golfing

Interesting facts about Jasmine
“I have two kids and love to treat other mothers during both pregnancy and postpartum.”