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Elizabeth LaFrance,PA-C

Primary Service
  • Physical Medicine & Rehab

  • Master of Physician Assistant, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN
  • Bachelor’s Degree, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN

Board certification
Physician Assistant, National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Philosophy of care
“My goal is to provide patients with the information and recommendations they need to make the best health care decisions for them."

Why Liz went into medicine
“I decided to go into medicine because I enjoy working with and caring for people. I look forward to a career that is both challenging and rewarding."

Favorite advice to give to patients
“Ask questions! As a provider, I want to make sure my patients are informed about their bodies and their health."

Sauk Rapids, MN

"I spend my free time with family and friends, playing board games, hiking, gardening and reading."