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Courtney Murphy-Bakken,PharmD,BCACP

Primary Service
  • Pharmacy

  • Doctor of Pharmacy University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Duluth, MN
  • University of Minnesota Post Graduate Pharmacy Residency Program Essentia Health, Duluth, MN
  • St. Luke’s, Duluth, MN

Board certification
Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Board of Pharmacy Specialties

Philosophy of care
I believe in patient-centered, collaborative care. I enjoy working with patients one-on-one to educate them on their medications. I want them to know what each medication is prescribed for, what benefit it has for them, and what side effects to be aware of. As part of their interprofessional care team, I help ensure the patient’s medications are optimized and that we decide on the best regimen for them as an individual.

Why Courtney went into medicine
Before deciding to go to pharmacy school, I worked with a pharmacist who met with patients in an office visit to review their medications. He made sure their medicines were safe and effective and helped patients understand how to best take them. He was a key player in helping people lead a healthy life, both with and without medications, which had a positive impact on their everyday lives. This inspired me to become a pharmacist to help people in this same way.

Favorite advice to give patients
A healthy lifestyle is the best medicine.

Duluth, MN 

I love to stay active, be outside, and spend time with my friends and family. My hobbies include cooking and baking, playing golf, snowshoeing and rollerblading.

Adam P, Murphy CF, Dierich M, Hager KD. Seven Years of Teaching Communication with the Patient-Centered Observation Form. Fam Med. 2018;50(2):132-137. doi:10.22454/FamMed.2018.516713.

Hager KD, Murphy C, Uden D, Sick B. Pharmacist-Physician Collaboration at a Family Medicine Residency Program: A Focus Group Study. Inov Pharm. February 2018;9(1):Article 9. doi:10.24926/iip.v9i1.948.