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Brittany Kuehn,PA-C

Primary Service
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery

Areas of Interest Surgical and postoperative care, serving under-served populations and improving community health and wellness
  • Biology, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, Winona, MN
  • Physician Assistant, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy of care
My goal for the relationship between medical provider and patient is that we will work together to achieve success; I give my best effort in applying my surgical skills, judgement, experience and knowledge to not only improve the quality of life of our patients but also empower them.

Why Brittany went into medicine
I have always wanted to make a meaningful contribution to my community.

Favorite advice to give to patients
Everything in moderation.

Sauk Rapids, Minnesota 

Canoeing, backpacking, running, climbing, sailing and traveling with her husband and two dogs