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Annika Juenemann,MA,CCC-SLP

Primary Service
  • Speech Therapy

Areas of Interest

Cerebellar mutism syndrome, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), autism spectrum disorder

  • St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN
  • University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, MN

Philosophy of care
My philosophy of care is to provide every individual a space where they feel safe, heard and cared for to embark on their journey. I am committed to acting as an ally and advocate whenever possible.

Why Annika wanted to go into therapy
I was drawn to speech therapy because of how it combines science and personal interactions. It’s helping an adult after brain injury relearn how to speak the words “I love you” to a partner. It’s providing a child with a communication system to share their wants, needs and thoughts. It’s counseling parents and caregivers through a diagnosis. I love that I get to see the opportunity for growth in every individual and support them along their unique journeys.

Favorite advice to give patients
You are worthy. As you currently are. And as who you may become.

Eyota, MN

I love being outside, by water, running, hiking, biking, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying ice cream.