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Abby Bushey,PA-C

Primary Service
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery

  • Bachelor of Arts in Biology College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN
  • Master’s: Physician Assistant Program, Master of Medical Science Mercer University, Atlanta, GA

Board certification
Physician Assistant, National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

Philosophy of care
I am on the same team as my patients; meeting them where they are to accomplish a desired goal together. I thrive on patient interaction and building relationships.

Why Abby went into medicine
From a young age I enjoyed teaching and would host pretend ‘class’ for my brother and cousins. As I grew, I really enjoyed science and found medicine to be the perfect intersection of teaching, science and serving others.

Favorite advice to give patients
Comparison is the thief of joy. A healthy lifestyle looks different for everyone.

Duluth, MN

I love running, hiking, traveling and baking (although I’m probably better at sampling the treats than baking them). Recently, I became a proud dog aunt to Reggie, the cutest Chihuahua.